Give Your Hands Some TLC
Are you’re poor hands in need of TLC?
Your hands are so hard working and they’re such a valuable tool. If you’ve ever been unable to use your hand or even a single finger, you’ll know how difficult everyday tasks can become. So, I invite you to take a few moments to look after your hands. Let’s keep your hands moving freely and let’s ward off those aches and niggles.
Here we go!
As you work your way through these exercises just notice if there is anywhere on your hands that feels stiff. Do a few repetitions, especially if your hands have been busy doing repetitive movements or have been stuck in one position. Keep the movement gentle and controlled.
Open and Close
Power Grip and Release
Opposition Finger to Thumb
Thumb Rotation
Over the next few days just observe how you use your hands.
Do you naturally do all these movements during the course of your day?
Are you just repeating the same movements over and over again?
Ready to get the soft tissue of your hand feeling nice and mobile?
Check out these easy self-myofascial release techniques for your hand.
If you have found this blog helpful, please let me know and share your experience.
Thank you for reading my blog and supporting my small business. Your hands will certainly thank you. To find out more about my services check out and for further self-care tips follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
I regularly use Myofascial Release techniques in my clinic to assist people, with long term aches and pain in their hands and for conditions, such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I will be open for appointments, when New Zealand is at Covid 19 Alert Level 2.